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Our Mission
… Save The Lost...Equip The Saved...Send The Equipped...
Sunday Worship 10:30 A.m.
Noah’s Park Children’s Church
Ages 4 years - 5th Grade
Prayer Gathering
Wednesday - 5:45 p.m.

Youth Group 6th To 12th Grade
Sunday - 6:00 p.m.
Bible Study
Wednesday - 6:30 p.m.
Come as you are
Blue jeans and casual wear are encouraged.
Fix yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and enjoy our blend of traditional and modern worship. We sing contemporary praise songs and traditional hymns with an up-beat.
Children, ages four years old through 5th grade, are invited to attend our Noah’s Park Children Church in the Fellowship Hall.
Nursery Care is available for infants through age three during the worship service.
All Nursery Workers and Children’s Church Teachers and Helpers have been screened and approved under the Safe Sanctuary Policy, and have passed all child abuse clearances and criminal background checks
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